Dialogue  July-September,  2010, Volume 12 No.1




   1.   Editorial Perspective                                                                               

             Media’s New Role in Sabotaging Democracy

             Delhi Commonwealth Games (CWG)

             Say No to ‘Two Nation Theory in Kashmir

   2.   North East Scan                                                                                     

            Unrest over the updating of the NRC - Dhirendra Nath Bezboruah

            Resistance to Indian nationhood - Patricia Mary Mukhim
Moderation first, Resolution later - Pradip Phanjoubam

   3.   What do Indians Need: A History or the Past? - S.N. Balagangadhara

   4.   Paid News  - P. Sainath

   5.   The Empire strikes back — and how! - P. Sainath

   6.   So that the Misdeeds are not Exposed - Ram Bahadur Rai

   7.   The Downfall of Media - Dina Nath Mishra

   8.   News in Search of a Media - Mrinal Pande

   9.   Media in the World Today: Some Random Reflections - Devdutt

10.   Role of Media in Contemporary India - Rameshwer Mishra Pankaj

11.   The State of the Media in the Northeast - Dhirendra Nath Bezboruah

12.   Time for Media Soul Searching, but how! - Patricia Mary Mukhim

13.   The Indian Media: Crisis of Accountability and Credibility - Dr. Achyutanand Mishra

14.   Regulating the visual media: self-regulation has failed - Sudhanshu Ranjan

15.   Media in Conflict Situation: Liberals in Illiberal Milieu - Pradip Phanjoubam

16.   Agyeya’s Legacy: Literary Genius in the Role of a Journalist - Ramesh Chandra Shah

17.   Mahatma Gandhi on Journalists and Journalism some excerpts from his writings 

18.   The XIX Commonwealth Games, Delhi: Celebrating Slavery - J.N. Roy

19.   Significance of Hind Swaraj in the Modern World - Naresh Kuma]r Ambastha

20.   Book-Review                                                                                        

         India : A Cultural Decline or Revival? - Michel Danino

21.   Thought and Action - X.P. Mao

22.   Women Refugees in a Conflict Situation : A Transnational Perspective - Bharti Chhibber   

23.   Some Aspects of Child Labour in Liberalized India - Binoy Goswami

24.   Assam Tea Industry and its Crisis - Moon Moon Hussain and Sumee Dastidar Hazarika
25.   Astha Bharati News                                                                            



Dialogue (A quarterly journal of Astha Bharati)

                                               Astha Bharati